3 ways Humanize Online Classes

3 ways Humanize Online Classes

Technology gives us lots of chances for making our world more beautiful, and since of far technology, humans get a chance to do their work with more creativity. In the race of technology, there are lots of things that are technical, but that is not effective and creative like online class. Nowadays, we are successful to make our students learning technical, but it is not that effective.

Online Lecture

Since technology gives a path to complete the study with the help of distance learning but is it not that effective for younger students, making online effective class for younger students, teachers must give proper attention to their students, but in the case of online classes, it is not possible.

This article will tell how we can humanize the online classes for students, which makes the effective and creative online class for students. After reading this article you will easily find out what makes the online class more effective.


  1. Use online tools.


Teachers use the online class platform for completing the course of the student, but after the online class, students do not give enough attention to their studies, which is not good for their future, in this case, teachers need to make take some steps which are necessary for students.

There are lots of online tools are available, which can help to establish connectivity, and teachers can use these online tools for establishing good connectivity with their students. Teachers will send small online tasks for students, which can improve the performance of students.

The small sessions for solving the queries of students will make students’ performance more effective. Teachers need to give enough attention to students, that is why daily online sessions are is necessary for students. When students do their tasks without teachers, then they have to face lots of problems, and in that situation, students feel helpless.

So, it is necessary to give enough attention to students with the help of online tools, and teachers need to check the task of students on the regular basis.


  1. Let the student get creative.


Since online classes, students are not able to show their creativity, and teachers need to conduct online session Q and A sessions for students where students can do lots of questions to the teachers. Teachers also need to do questions to the students, which makes students’ attention more effective in an online class.

It is important for students that they do a continuously small project which is related to their subject. In this situation, teachers need to give enough attention to the activity of the students. In the session of QNA, teachers need to do questions about previous classes, which will help to remind the previous topics of the subject, and it will help them in the future.

The project will help students to make their work more effective since the small tasks make more creative to students work since they will learn their subject with the help of tiny points which they study in the project. Students need to do more questions with teachers, which can make student behavior more alert.

The assignment work will also do lots of help to students, try to give lots of assignment work to their students. Teachers need to give their students a big assignment task to students. Teachers need to give assignments every week. Do questions to the students, which will help students make their work more effective.


  1. Build an online community.


The students need to active every time on their school or college community sites like students need to join the online site of school and college, which will helpful for students. If students make touch with the school community, then it will help to get alerts on time and students can also ask their queries openly on that community. If the students are not joined in their school and college community, then teachers need to track that reason and have to find some way.

Teachers need to make a group for the students it will give freedom to students and them always in touch with their teachers which will do help for students since of that in online group students can ask their queries to teachers on any time after that the study of the student is not bounded in times.

Teachers need to make a free environment for students, which can help students since some students are not able to ask any questions to their teachers since of hesitation. There is also a need to make a way of private cheating, which can help students to ask their queries privately to the teachers.

Because of these activities, students feel more comfortable with teachers, and they can do their tasks freely, without any hesitation.