4 Marketing Tactics Ejuice Companies Use To Target Youth

4 Marketing Tactics Ejuice Companies Use To Target Youth

Vaping is a rising trend among adults and young adults nowadays. Some of them use it to ease the transition to quit smoking, while others enjoy it for pleasure purposes. No wonder, there is a rising demand for vaping items, and so the market shows great potential for upcoming businesses. 

E-liquids continue to charm the youngsters, for their unique flavours. Despite the huge demand, it is somehow difficult to differentiate or create brand recognition amidst the competition from established brands. 

While many factors lead to the success of top e-juice companies, strategizing the right marketing techniques is perhaps one of the crucial contributing factors. Which comprehensively begins with defining your target audience and then introducing your products to them. Gladly, studying some of the time-tested techniques of the top-notch companies can save you a lot of time. If you are keen on understanding how these e-juice companies are cutting the chase, here is all you need to know. 

Source: Unsplash.com


Attractive Product and Reward System:

A product may appeal to youth for various reasons, out of which, the value a product delivers, and its overall attractiveness tops the list. Unique products like e-liquids require selling strategies that fulfill customer expectations. So many companies, keep in mind the composition of the product and try to create uniqueness in the flavor and packaging. Some out of the box ideas can intrigue the youth to make purchases. 


Statistics reveal that a large percentage of youth try e-liquids to try a variety of flavors. E-liquid companies encash this opportunity by introducing delectable flavors like candies and colas that appear harmless or familiar to the customers. They usually choose packaging that is similar to food items. Linking e-liquid purchases with an active reward system is another unique strategy to attract youth. Pairing special offers, discounts on youth-friendly products, freebies, concert-tickets, etc., go a long way in attracting buyers. 


Planning Campaigns on Social Media:

Undoubtedly, social media rules the world of the youth. Be it fashion trends or fitness routines; an average youth spends time glued to their screens. Many places may have marketing restrictions on nicotine-based products and e-juices. However, many companies leverage social media marketing. First, it presents the scope to run campaigns, particularly appealing to target youth audiences. Second, it steers clear the restrictions by organically creating product awareness without placing advertisements. 


Many of the e-juices companies have a strong social media presence through Instagram and Facebook pages. Some of them, however, follow an aggressive marketing approach by creating a buzzword. These companies create shareable content that creates more engagement and hence more brand awareness. Launching parties, events, and circulating updates all over social media are the tactic to gain social attention. E-juices companies also collaborate with influencers to popularize a brand by appearing on their feeds. To popularize the websites, companies also choose digital marketing services from companies like Outreach Crayon. They can help direct the target audience to the website by using efficient marketing strategies like link building.     


Positioning During an Event:

Youngsters prefer an experience-centric lifestyle. From beer festivals to music events and flea markets, there are plenty of activities that youth attend all year round. The popularity of such events serves as an opportunity for marketers who want to grab the attention of the youth towards their products. Considering the massive youth foot-fall during music concerts, huddling the entrances, and tents, provide ample opportunities for e-juice companies to make a brand activation during the event. Carefully integrating their brand to create a positive association between fun and their products. When brands choose to sponsor or plan sweepstakes and giveaways, engagement multiplies, and youth develops favorability towards a brand. Publicizing through events has been an age-old marketing tactic, e juices companies have niched it by hosting music festivals to target the youth and position their brands efficiently.  

Source: Unsplash.com


Building a Sense of Community:

Many e-liquid companies project a sense of belongingness by setting up active groups and communities that attract the youth. Most of these groups are discussion forums that share product information and parodies vaping activities. Online tutorials that initiate fun activities encircling vape are popular among the youth. Present-day vape culture is a rage that encompasses unique vaping competition like vape cloud making matches and tricks between opponents. Using the opportunity to advertise or link back e-juice products is a smart strategy to catch the youth’s attention and boost sales. In 2013, Blue Ecig company sponsored a program in Washington, featuring a vapour lounge with guest appearances, photo booths, charging stations to attract the youth.


The Bottom Line:

Many e-cigarettes companies are choosing unique approaches that intend to multiply the sale of e-liquids through alternate channels. Most of these approaches center around youth-oriented activities. Many companies are also simultaneously taking a more corporate social responsibility approach by promoting causes like LGBTQ rights and black lives matter. Some of them also extend scholarship programs for students.