What is Acceptance Testing?
Software Performance Testing is a wide array of choices and services based on the stage of testing and type of product. Whether it is White or Black Box Testing, Unit testing, Integration Testing, System testing, Acceptance Testing, Manual or Automated Software Functional testing, the main purpose of conducting a test on an application is to check whether it is actually performing its functions, for which it was developed for and to make sure that your product is free from any errors, defects and bugs.
Acceptance Testing
It is done to check whether the final product is completely fit and accepted with respect to the requirements and the needs of the end user. It is essential to determine if the end result of the developed software or application passes the acceptance criteria. It is the final level of testing done after Unit Test, Integration Test and System Tests.
- Acceptance Testing is performed manually by Quality Assurance testers.
- It is done randomly by using Black Box testing method without using any defined set of Test cases.
- As it’s the last level of Testing, it needs much precision and improves the quality criteria of the developed software or application.
- It reduces the failure chances of the system in the actual live environment.
Acceptance testing is further divided into;
Internal Acceptance Testing
It’s also called the Alpha Testing and is performed by the personnel of the organization itself which developed the product. They can be the members of any team except the Testing or Software Development team.
External Acceptance Testing
This is performed by the people who are not part of the same organization which developed the product.
You can also avail Software performance testing services from a well – established and experienced Software and application Testing firm to conduct various tests required on the end product.