Managing Emotions in the Workplace
Humans are emotional creatures. Well, that’s one of the main differences between us and the machines working in offices. An office is a place where everyone has to be very formal and composed. However, as humans, it’s very difficult not to be emotional. Some depression disorder can also become a hurdle in your way, it’s important to deal with them.
It’s always a good practice not to suppress your emotions and to remain in touch with them. Expressing your emotions in the right way can seal the deal for you. On the other hand, expressing anger inside office premises can get you in a lot of trouble. These are the reasons why you should be extra careful with how you deal with your emotions at work.
Through this article, we will try to help you know how to effectively manage your emotions at the workplace.
Effective Strategies to Manage Emotions at Work Place
Table of Contents
Dealing With Stress from Outside
It’s not good to carry your personal stress from your personal matters, inside your office. To deal with this problem, it’s best to leave your personal matters at home. Use the office as a distraction from all your negative emotions, take this time to let go of them.
- Try and leave personal matters and issues at home. When you commute to work, use that time to tell your mind to let go.
- It’s better not to discuss your personal emotions at work as it only brings more stress.
- Discussing your personal life and negative emotions at work will not let you relax and focus, don’t do it.
Relax Yourself
Anger, frustration, excitement, or pride you name it. These emotions always surround you from all sides. Stop pretending they don’t exist, because they do.
Try to breathe and relax. Maintain good health and hygiene, as these are two key factors in managing emotions.
- Take a walk and listen to relaxing music to calm your self.
- Relaxing and being calm all the time will help you not get provoked.
- If you are getting frustrated and you think you might react, simply walk away.
- Slowly inhale and exhale, take deep breaths, and count to 10 to control your anger.
Consider 10 Sec Rule
The 10 seconds rule for anger management involves 3 steps. First, you have to take a deep breath inside and then stop thinking, the 3rd step is to breathe out. Repeat these steps for 10 seconds and you will become relaxed.
Counting to 10 and then backward counting can also help you deal with anger. This is an effective remedy as it helps you lose focus. Only talk about the matter after you are feeling calm and composed. Logical and rational thinking can solve any problem.
Depression Disorder
Depression disorder can cause a person to become angry and irritable very easily. If you are one of them, consider working from a place where you are comfortable. Going to an office in this condition is not recommended as it’s close to impossible to control your emotions in this state.
Practice Anger Management
Instead of yelling, shouting, and in some cases pushing, you should direct all your anger towards something else. If some negative thought is stuck in your brain, then hit the gym and lose all your excess energy.
Anger management is one of the best ways to manage emotions in the workplace. Individual therapy and group therapy sessions may also help with anger management.
Don’t Let Your Emotions Contol You
Your emotions are not your master, never let your emotions decide what happens next. If you let yourself get carried away then you will have to face the negative consequences. Try to be calm and composed in an office environment. If it’s your psychic boss or some colleague who is causing the issue, just be formal and never burst out at them.
- Don’t communicate with anyone when you are angry.
- Don’t let your negative emotions have an impact on your judgment.
Face Your Fears
Never use social media or chatting apps and even text messages to express your emotions in an office environment. Anything said in anger might have many different meanings. Another problem with written texts is that they can be used as evidence against you.
Always try to talk face to face, if you are going to discuss something the other person may not like. Hiding behind a computer and throwing up at someone can give you a false sense of power, it can even destroy your career!
Know your triggers
Everyone knows himself better than everyone else. If you think something is going to happen that might upset you, it’s better to leave that place. If you are unable to leave that place then prepare yourself for what is to come.
Being ready for bad things can suppress your negative emotions. This way you can even plan how to react to what’s coming your way. Never let your negative emotions tell you how to react.
Respect Everyone
Everyone deserves to be respected unless they do something horribly wrong to you. The rule is simple if you want to be respected then you must respect others. Being respectful can help you have all the positive energy to deal with negative emotions.
To manage stress in the workplace treat your colleagues the same you want to get treated. Even if your colleagues are rude, try to be nice to them. Even rude people mellow down when they see that they are the only one shouting.
Constructive Approach
Even when you are at a higher rank, never do destructive criticism. Destructive criticism only leads to more problems and force out negative reactions from your colleagues.
Constructive criticism means to provide reasoning for what a person did wrong in a positive way. Also providing the solution to that particular problem solves the problem. Never lash on to someone under the effect of negative emotions, as it is not the solution to the problem.